Living in Nicaragua
by H. Lynn Beck


H. Lynn Beck wanted to decrease hunger, and he wanted to work in Latin America.

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H. Lynn Beck graduated with a degree in agriculture from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln in May 1971; yet, he was dissatisfied, unhappy, and without goals. He always thought college graduates should know what to do with their life. The two years he spent with the Peace Corps in El Salvador (1967-1969) had profoundly changed him and he knew he wanted to continue helping others. It would only be a matter of time before he found himself back in Latin America, living in Managua, Nicaragua.


H. Lynn Beck graduated with a degree in agriculture from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln in May 1971; yet, he was dissatisfied, unhappy, and without goals. He always thought college graduates should know what to do with their life. The two years he spent with the Peace Corps in El Salvador (1967-1969) had profoundly changed him and he knew he wanted to continue helping others. It would only be a matter of time before he found himself back in Latin America, living in Managua, Nicaragua.

OTHER BOOKS BY H. LYNN BECK:     Living in El Salvador   |   Living in Brazil   |   Henry and Anthony


Living in El Salvador  

Living in Brazil

Henry and Anthony


H. Lynn Beck was raised on a farm in Nebraska, joined the Peace Corps twice (El Salvador, Brazil), and attended five state universities to earn degrees in Agronomy, Adult Education, and Economics. Beck did volunteer work in Nicaragua as a farm manager for a church. Beck lived 10 years in Brazil and 3 years in Central America. He worked in the US as a farm manager, grain salesman, market researcher, and taught Statistics at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) for 16 years. Beck did short-term agricultural volunteer work in Moldova, Ukraine, Nicaragua, Guyana, Mozambique, and Angola. After many adventures, Beck is now retired.

About the Author


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